If your enquiry is about Youth team trials or our Academy, please contact our Academy team directly.
If your enquiry is regarding a trial for our first team squad, please provide the following details:
1. Your full name
2. Your current age
3. The position/s you play
4. Details regarding your playing career for the current and previous 3 seasons
5. Your home address & postcode
6. Your phone number
7. Your email address
If you do not provide this information as a minimum, then your request cannot be forwarded to our management team. Thank you for your understanding.
To ensure your message makes it to the correct person, please add the correct contact name for your enquiry:
Club matters - Jackie Watkins
1st Team trials - Jamie Byatt
Youth/Academy - Ashley Bosah
​Facility Hire - Jackie Watkins
Press - Jackie Watkins
Sponsorship - Nick Shaw
Events - Nick Shaw
Website - Nick Shaw
Social media - Steve Reynolds
Members Club - Chris Woolley
Photography - Sam Conquest